Assessment and Reporting

Nazareth is committed to evidence based assessment practices which provide information about student learning and which act as rich evidence for the learner and the learning



Horizons of Hope identifies the following principles of assessment for MACS schools:

Focused on growth

  • Assessment and reporting will be relevant and timely to each learner.
  • Students understand their learning progress.
  • Students receive feedback about their challenges while forming and valuing positive attitudes towards learning.
  • Educators critically question the impact of their decisions on student learning.
  • Feedback is integral to the learning process, enabling students to self-regulate, self-assess and reflect on their own learning.


  • Assessment and reporting will provide a strong foundation for authentic dialogue about learning progress between teachers, students and families.
  • Students and teachers are both partners in the learning as the teacher constantly shapes and evolves their practice and pedagogy, while the student perseveres and progresses in response to evidence uncovered and timely feedback.

Ongoing and continuous

  • Teachers are alert to the needs of students, founded on their knowledge of each student’s narrative.
  • Assessment, feedback and data-gathering techniques are authentic, varied and diverse.
  • Assessment of learning is continuous, allowing students to demonstrate their progress and flourish.
  • Feedback is continuous, accurate and forward-focused.


At Nazareth, teachers assess and monitor student growth, learning progress and achievement against the curriculum standards and within the learning and teaching program at Nazareth Catholic Primary School.