Grade 5/6 Camp

Camp is an invaluable experience for students at Nazareth and is an important part of the 5/6 learning program

Students enjoy two different camp experiences throughout their time in the 5/6 learning community and our camps are located at two alternating sites every year.
Students experience independence, teamwork and collaboration as they participate in different activities and step out of their comfort zone.

"It's an experience for kids to stretch out of their comfort zone, to try new things and to gain independence"
- Ari Year 6
"It's all about learning to make new friends and things that you haven't done before"
- Max Year 5

"It was fun filled, daring and interesting! The activities are different and some pump up your adrenaline and some require more teamwork"
- Alessandro Year 6
"It was a thrilling experience!"
- Alession Year 6