Nazareth has a commitment to continually improving learning and teaching, focusing on the whole child, with an expectation that all students can and will succeed
The Victorian Curriculum is the Foundation to Year 10 curriculum for Victorian government and Catholic schools for implementation from 2017. The Victorian Curriculum reflects Victorian priorities and standards for F–10 and incorporates the Australian Curriculum. It defines what it is that all students have the opportunity to learn as a result of their schooling, set out as a series of learning progressions. See
The Victorian Curriculum F–10 recognises that increasingly, in a world where knowledge itself is constantly growing and evolving, students need to develop, in addition to discrete discipline knowledge and understanding, a set of skills, behaviours and dispositions, or general capabilities, that apply across discipline content and equip them to be lifelong learners able to operate with confidence in a complex, information-rich, globalised world.
The Nazareth Curriculum Plan has been developed in light of the directions for Catholic education and principles of curriculum from the Horizons of Hope education framework: Catholic schools provide an excellent holistic education centred on the students and engaging them in authentic, purposeful learning; and incorporating the philosophy of the Victorian Curriculum F–10 and the Religious Education Curriculum Framework.
The curriculum is a statement of the purpose of schooling and defines what it is that all students have the opportunity to learn as a result of their schooling.
At Nazareth, the following principles underpin the curriculum:
Highly developed relationships between teachers, students and parents/ caregivers
A commitment to partnerships
High expectations for all
Viewing one another as capable,developing different types of thinking and learning.
High appreciation of student voice and agency
Students have knowledge of who they are as learners and where they are going, supported by teachers in setting SMART goals.
Learning involves coherent and situated experiences which are relevant to the lives of student.
Our school curriculum defines what it is that all students have the opportunity to learn as a result of their schooling at Nazareth Catholic Primary School.
At Nazareth Catholic Primary School, curriculum is enriched by the values, beliefs, perspectives and experiences of each member of the learning community when they engage actively with Catholic understandings of the human person. This orientation towards the person means that the process of curriculum design is shared with students, creating within them a sense of ownership and self-efficacy as learners. Our learning community fosters the conditions for students to have a voice in the design process, allowing them to make decisions about what they need to know and when.