
At Nazareth we ensure that we honour our existence in the world as people who care for and look after our environment


We believe in living sustainably as stewards of creation and we seek ways to lessen our impact on the earth’s resources.


The students at Nazareth are key contributors to our sustainability programs. We have a dedicated Environmental Leadership team planning and developing sustainability-focussed initiatives. The School garden provides an invaluable learning experience for students through planting, weeding, collecting seed, water collection and storage, worm farming, composting, mulching, organic fertilising and lunchtime gardening sessions.

We also encourage families to be involved by considering things such as sending nude food lunches to school or making informed purchasing choices around packaged foods at the supermarket.

Interested students have been helping cultivate garden beds and are working on developing some more sustainable practises. They have also built and housed worms in a mini worm farm.
Student Leaders also run lunchtime community sessions with other students to help maintain and harvest our vegetable patches.  This allows students the opportunity to get their hands dirty every week!



Nude Food is a way to be sustainable at Nazareth Primary School

Buy less packaging: Lots of kids love yoghurt... Buy the larger container of yoghurt and serve out portions into the smaller washable lunch containers.

The snacks you can buy in individual packaging can be bought in big packs and then divided up into reusable containers or put into a section of a divided lunch box.
Put sandwiches or wraps into a container without the glad wrap.

Pop some fresh fruit or vegetables in the lunch box rather than sugary snacks in wrappers. A banana or apple is great food for the brain and comes in its own wrapper.

Encourage the "If I bring it, I take it away" thinking that's good for wherever you go. If you simply have to have some wrappers on some days, encourage your children to bring all their wrappers home again.

Chickens at Nazareth

A proposal from a group of senior students was to retain one or two chicks from our Foundation Chicken Program to grow up at the school and help us reduce our food waste. Uneaten bread and meat scraps decompose to produce harmful greenhouse gases when sent to landfill. If chickens eat these scraps we help the environment, have fertiliser for our school garden beds and many opportunities for wonderful interactive lessons with our birdy school friends.
Thank you to David Wilson, father of Xavier (Foundation) who was an enormous help in continuing the development of our chicken enclosure for housing our newcomers.