Nazareth Catholic Primary School is a school which operates with the consent of the Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne and is owned, operated and governed by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS).
Nazareth Catholic Primary School is a MACS school in which:
MACS schools are established primarily for Catholic children. Nazareth Catholic Primary School strives to be open and welcoming to all Catholic students, regardless of their background, and does everything reasonable to accommodate each student’s individual needs.
Nazareth Catholic Primary School is open to the enrolment of children of other Christian traditions and faiths, however, priority will be given to children from non-Catholic Eastern churches. Children from other religious traditions or of no religion are provided with an opportunity to enrol in MACS schools, should they choose to apply and there is sufficient capacity within the school.
Parents/guardians/carers are the first educators of their children. By enrolling a child in Nazareth, parents/guardians/carers are entering into a partnership to promote and support their child’s education, in particular their education in faith. While the school promotes access to a Catholic education through the school enrolment policy, it is the parent/guardian/carers’ responsibility to support the school in furthering the spiritual and academic life of their child.
Local pastoral discretion is an important element of decision-making with regard to enrolment at Nazareth Catholic Primary School. While the first priority of the principal is to enrol the children of Catholic parents/guardians/carers, pastoral discretion may be exercised in enrolment decisions where deemed appropriate. The local school enrolment committee will formally endorse all enrolment decisions to ensure transparency and equity in decision-making.
This Enrolment Policy applies to the four Catholic schools within the Nazareth parish:
St Therese School Catholic Primary School, Torquay; Lisieux Catholic Primary School, Torquay North; Nazareth Catholic Primary School, Grovedale, and St Catherine of Siena, Armstrong Creek
Enrolment applications for Catholic education within the parish boundary are invited before the end of April each year, at which time applications will be assessed centrally against the priority list below. Offers of placement will be made to families in May.
There is an agreed order of priority for enrolment in MACS schools, which must be followed in the enrolment policy and procedures. As systemic Catholic schools, the first priority of MACS schools is the provision of a Catholic education for Catholic children.
The order of priority for MACS primary schools is:
Nazareth Catholic Primary School is located in Grovedale. Our catchment area is in the north-west corridor of the Nazareth Parish.
For the purpose of enrolment in a Catholic school, a child is considered to be Catholic if they are a member of the Catholic Church, usually established by a Certificate of Baptism and have fully participated in a sacramental program or, there is evidence of an intention to complete their sacramental journey.
The enrolment catchment area is a defined area from which a school enrols students as officially designated to a school by MACS. The parish for Nazareth Catholic Primary School is The Nazareth Parish. In parishes with more than one primary school, the catchment for each school is determined by the parish in consultation with MACS.
Enrolment is subject to the maximum capacity of the school.
For the purpose of enrolment in a Catholic school, a child is considered to be Orthodox if they are a member of a non-Catholic Eastern church, including Greek Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Ukrainian Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Serbian Orthodox and other Orthodox.
‘Parish’ refers to the local parish as defined by its geographical boundaries and student location is based on home address.
At the time of enrolment at Nazareth Catholic Primary School, parents/guardians/carers make a commitment to provide ongoing support for their child’s Catholic education. In particular, parents/guardians/carers are asked to make an explicit commitment to the following responsibilities:
Nazareth Catholic Primary School is required to collect particular information about parents/guardians/carers and their child. Parents/guardians/carers are required to provide particular information about their child during the enrolment process in order for MACS and the school to meet the duty of care obligations and to satisfy government requirements. Lodging an enrolment form does not guarantee enrolment at Nazareth Catholic Primary School.
Parents are required to complete the Application for Enrolment form before enrolment into a school can be considered.
The following documentation is required for enrolment:
Enrolment applications forms can be downloaded below.
Please return the enrolment form via email
send to:
c/o Reuben Johnson – Principal
Nazareth Catholic Primary School
14-16 Griffith Street
Grovedale VIC 3216
In the event of a school in the Parish being unable to offer a place to a Catholic child resident in Nazareth Parish catchment areas, the Parish will make every effort to support enrolment in another school.
Enrolment AgreementDownload Application for Enrolment