
At Nazareth we understand the importance of Literacy and believe it underpins all other forms of learning

Teaching students the skills to read, view, speak, listen and write is essential and we aim to give our students the ability to engage in our literate world confidently, purposely and with enjoyment. The Victorian Curriculum identifies essential literacy skills and is consistent with our teaching, planning, assessment and reporting models.

We achieve student learning through:

  • Encouraging students to set individual goals to build literacy confidence and skills.
  • Incorporating both collaborative and individual learning to develop literacy sills.
  • Embracing twenty first century and traditional learning mediums to enhance students reading, viewing, speaking, listening and writing skills.
  • Engage the students in authentic learning tasks that are meaningful purposeful and encourage reflective, critical and imaginative thinking.
  • Build teacher capacity through professional learning that is current and research based.
  • Taking observations and analysing data to ensure we are planning and teaching specifically for the developmental needs of individual students.


Our teaching and planning is driven from our continuous use of formal and informal data. The Nazareth  assessment schedule enables us to have a whole-school approach to gathering data, allowing us to monitor students growth over time. With this information we differentiate and personalise learning for students. We then give specific and clear feedback to the pupils and parents and plan for future instruction to improve student achievement.


We value the parent-teacher partnership and encourage parents to actively participate in their child’ learning. We encourage parents to support literacy learning through being involved in our parent helper courses, literacy information sessions, book week, book fair and classroom support. We believe fostering positive attitudes towards literacy improves student outcomes and encourage families to embrace extracurricular literacy support activities.