The Nazareth School Advisory Committee is the representative body of parents and staff working together within the parish Community:- Towards fostering the spiritual, intellectual and social development of children attending the school, consistent with Christian attitudes and Catholic beliefs and traditions.
For the future growth and development of the school with the parish community and School community.- To focus on continual open communication, future development and improvement as well as advise on future directions of the school. - To consider and advise on issues arising from educational directives from secular and church bodies.
Elected Members of the Nazareth School Advisory Council for 2023 are:
Ex-officio Members (Parish Priest) - Fr. Linh Tran
Principal - Reuben Johnson
Staff Members - Adam Coustley, Marcelle Wrigley
Council Chair - Allison Mitchell
Secretary - This role is shared between elected members
Elected Members - Jarrod Reynolds, Brent Grimmer, Melissa Farrelly, Claire Eldridge and Alie Gebing (P&F Representative)
School Advisory Council Manual
School Advisory Council Terms of Reference
School Advisory Council Members Code of Conduct
Working together in mission: Charter for MACS schools
Within the provisions of Canon Law, the School Advisory Committee is responsible to the parish priest, who in turn is subject to the vigilance of the Archbishop of Melbourne. 
The School Advisory Committee has no responsibility for the internal management and administration of the school, which are the responsibility of the school principal.